Many areas of Olean sustained significant damage from heavy rainfall on Wednesday, June 19, 2024. The Cattaraugus County Office of Emergency Services is compiling damage information from affected businesses and homeowners. At this time, information collected will be used to document and track damage only. It is not for reimbursement. If your property has sustained damage related to the flooding, here is what to do:
- Take pictures of everything - before you begin to cleanup or make repairs, during clean up and repair, and after.
- Document (make a physical list, with photos if possible) all items that were damaged as well as those that you had to dispose.
- Save all written quotes, estimates, and receipts for repairs.
- Contact your insurance company; and for renters contact the property owner/ your landlord. Contacting the Office of Emergency Services is not a substitute for contacting those people.
- Cleanup and complete repairs as you are able to. Do not wait for “funding” to do your repairs. At this time, we have no information that funding will be available.
If you would like to share your damage information with us for tracking purposes, please contact the Office of Emergency Services. If you are able to, use our online form to submit your damage report: www.CattCo.org/reportpropertydamage. If you do not have online access, call the Cattaraugus County Office of Emergency Services, Emergency Operation Center Public Assistance Line at 716-938-9119. If we are on the other line and unable to answer, please leave a message including your name, address of damaged property, and your phone number. We will call you back as soon as possible.
Currently we are collecting damage reports for tracking purposes only. There is no indication that reimbursement from FEMA or any other entity is or will be available. If, by chance, financial assistance becomes available, those that have reported damage and information to our office will be notified.
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