Cattaraugus County has released Public Surveys for the Cattaraugus County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update. Cattaraugus County has assembled a team to update our hazard mitigation plan which addresses hazards that impact our county and municipalities, school districts, and other jurisdictions. Please help us plan for future disasters by completing this survey regarding hazards in Cattaraugus County.
Your input is vital to the update process! Use the links below to share experiences and knowledge of natural hazard areas & impacts within your community. Thank you!
Public Survey
Take the Public Survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CattCoPublicSurvey
New Development Survey
Take the New Development Survey at https://arcg.is/nSfq9
Problem Areas Survey
Take the Problem Areas Survey at https://arcg.is/Davn9
Website for the Hazard Mitigation Plan
Learn more about the Hazard Mitigation Plan at CattCoHMP.com
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