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Anyone selling, giving away or adopting an animal to another person in Cattaraugus County must check the registry prior to any change in ownership. Giving, selling or adopting an animal to a person on the registry is a violation of county law.

The Cattaraugus County Animal Abuser Registry was created in 2016 by an act of the Cattaraugus County Legislature known as Local Law Number 1-2016. The registry is hosted by the Cattaraugus County Sheriff's Office as a service to the public.

All Animal Abuse Offenders who reside in Cattaraugus County and who are convicted of an Animal Abuse Crime on or after March 18, 2016 must register with the Cattaraugus County Animal Abuser Registry within five (5) days of their release from incarceration or, if not incarcerated, from the date of the rendering judgement.

The registry is not retroactive. Convictions prior to the establishment of the registry will not be listed, therefore this is not a comprehensive historical list of all people convicted of animal abuse in Cattaraugus County. The information listed here has been supplied by convicted offenders to the Cattaraugus County Sheriff.

Offenders are required to update their information within five (5) days of any change of residence address and/or upon any official change of name.

Except as provided for otherwise in this local law, no person who is required to register under this local law shall possess or own any animal.


Individuals on the Animal Abuser Registry

Date of Birth:
Date Convicted:
Address: 302 1/2 Tomkins St., Olean, New York 14760
Date of Birth:
Date Convicted:
Address: 401 W. Henley Street, Olean, New York 14760
Date of Birth:
Date Convicted:
Address: 7819 Otto Road, Cattaraugus, New York 14719
Date of Birth:
Date Convicted:
Address: 4044 Townline Rd, Yorkshire, New York 14173
Date of Birth:
Date Convicted:
Address: 5811 Route 16, Lot 13, Ischua, New York 14743
Date of Birth:
Date Convicted:
Address: 5119 Folts Road, Springville, New York 14141
Date of Birth:
Date Convicted:
Address: 5119 Folts Road, Springville, New York 14141
Date of Birth:
Date Convicted:
Address: 318 North 13th Street, Olean, New York 14760
Date of Birth:
Date Convicted:
Address: 111 1/2 South 12th Street, Olean, New York 14760
Date of Birth:
Date Convicted:
Date of Birth:
Date Convicted:
Address: 136 S. Second Street Apt. 1, Olean, New York 14760
Date of Birth:
Date Convicted:
Address: 1051 Rt 249, Irving, New York 14081
Date of Birth:
Date Convicted:
Address: 1051 Rt 249, Irving, New York 14081