The Cattaraugus County Legislative District 2 (2024), 2020 population of 20192, represents the following municipalities:
- Town of Ashford (2020 Census Pop. 1961)
- Town of East Otto (2020 Census Pop. 974)
- Town and Village of Ellicottville (2020 Census Pop. 1315)
- Town of Farmersville (2020 Census Pop. 1073)
- Town and Village of Franklinville (2020 Census Pop. 2802)
- Town of Freedom (2020 Census Pop. 2261)
- Town of Great Valley (2020 Census Pop. 1991)
- Town of Ischua (2020 Census Pop. 736)
- Town of Lyndon (2020 Census Pop. 685)
- Town of Machias (2020 Census Pop. 2310)
- Town of Yorkshire and the Village of Delevan (2020 Census Pop. 3827)
- and the Oil Springs Reservation of the Seneca Nation of Indians (2020 Census Pop. 13)
Estimated Population, per the 2020 Census, is 20192; Source: Cornell Program on Applied Demographics
Number of Legislators: 4
Legislative District created from Act Number 313-2022 for Local Law Number 6-2022. Effective for the general election in November 2023, for terms to commence January 1, 2024.
View the previous archived District 2 (2016-2023)
View other archived legislative districts for 200?-2015 and 2016-2023

Vice Chairman
Political Party:
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